Spring Checkout Customizer - Privacy Policy

Last updated: 24/11/2023

Spring Checkout Customizer “the App” provides checkout customization including Banner Blocks,Delivery Instruction Blocks,Gift Note Blocks and Image Banner Blocks as a “Service” to merchants who use Shopify to power their stores. This Privacy Policy describes how personal information is collected, used, and shared when you install or use the App in connection with your Shopify-supported store.

Personal Information the App Collects

When you install the App, we are automatically able to access certain types of information from your Shopify account: Read and Write Access of Orders

Additionally, we collect the following types of personal information from you once you have installed the App: Your Store Shopify Domain. Information about you and others such as your name, address, email address, phone number;

How Do We Use Your Personal Information?

We utilize the gathered personal information from you and your customers to deliver the Service and manage the App. Moreover, this data helps us in: maintaining communication with you and enhancing the functionality of the App. It's important to note that we do not employ any of this information for marketing purposes, nor do we share it with third parties.

For how long do we store or retain the data we collect?

We retain your information as long as you use the app in your store. Upon uninstallation, we securely delete all details associated with you as the store owner.


Should you have any questions about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise any of the rights available to you, please call +918866981549 or email us at rahul@tsomospring.com or contact us at 906, Matrix Business Hub, AHMEDABAD, GJ, 380013, India.